The work of Lautaro Cuttica appears as a manifestation of his own being, almost without intention. Premeditated paintings are abundant but the paintings of Lautaro Cuttica are absolved of premeditation. His aesthetic surges from the action of painting itself... Everyday language is a language that serves to obscure ourselves rather than to manifest ourselves. Lautaro Cuttica's work however is intimately linked with the beauty of a manifested truth, as any real painter cannot lie. His work is honest by nature. This ignites in the viewer something forgotten which reminds people of who we really are. And this values and legitimizes our conditions as human beings, which is what is poetic, wether it is expressed in paint, words or human attitude. In his freedome to create Lautaro Cuttica implies the possibility of being. Lautaros expressive will creates compositions which are utterly precise, or rather, he creates the structure for which a more beautiful form can inhabit that composition. And that form will be more beautiful despite being innocent because it is a nostalgia of perfection, a nostalgia of harmony. Lautaro Cuttica upholds memory, he is a witness of what surrounds him and also, a tragic witness of himself.
Artistic creation consists of a process of accumulation which almost becomes unbearable to retain. The work of Lautaro inscribes and reflects that philosophical trance. There a is high tide, there is a density, there is a plentitude that must be released. Lautaro does not make paintings, the paintings just happen... From the the flux of inspiration which pierces him and the plenitude of the heart which overflows in paint.
Julio Gonzalez
Escritor, ensayista, poeta
adjacent figure denotes scale of work